NERD | Neither Either Really Dead
Image Source: Youtube

NERD | Neither Either Really Dead

Genre ,
Released Jul 8, 2019
zee5 OTT platform icon

NERD | Neither Either Really Dead

Out Now

NERD | Neither Either Really Dead is an Indian language web series produced by and is now streaming on OTT Platform.

It is directed by and is a , show. This show is on now and is to watch.

About NERD | Neither Either Really Dead

A lonely, boring, studious boy who longs for companionship. What happens when six beautiful girls enter his life? Find out in this erotic thriller ‘NERD | Neither Either Really Dead’ streaming now on Zee5

Where to watch NERD | Neither Either Really Dead?

NERD | Neither Either Really Dead web series is now streaming on . This show is on now and is to watch.

Season One

Release Date
Jul 8, 2019


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where can I watch NERD | Neither Either Really Dead web series?

All Episodes of NERD | Neither Either Really Dead are streaming right now on Zee5.

Is NERD | Neither Either Really Dead web series free to watch?

No, NERD | Neither Either Really Dead is not free and requires a paid subscription to watch

Will there be a Season 2 of NERD | Neither Either Really Dead?

There is currently no information on whether the popular Thriller web series NERD | Neither Either Really Dead is set to return on Zee5 or with any other platform with its new season. We will update when the streaming platform announces.

On which OTT platform is NERD | Neither Either Really Dead?

The new season of NERD | Neither Either Really Dead was released on Zee5 on Jul 8, 2019. You can watch it on the official app and website of Zee5 by subscribing to the premium plan of Zee5.

Is NERD | Neither Either Really Dead on Zee5 free?

No, NERD | Neither Either Really Dead is not free and requires a paid subscription to watch on Zee5

Is NERD | Neither Either Really Dead based on a true story?

No, NERD | Neither Either Really Dead is a fictional web series and not based on a true story .

Can you watch NERD | Neither Either Really Dead with family?

No, NERD | Neither Either Really Dead handles a lot of mature topics and has content that's deemed inappropriate for young folks. It has either excessive use of profanity, sexuality or violence. It is best suited for 18+ Adult audiences.

How many seasons of NERD | Neither Either Really Dead are there?

Currently, NERD | Neither Either Really Dead is on Season 1 right now as of 2024 . The latest season was released on Jul 8, 2019.

Is NERD | Neither Either Really Dead available on MX Player?

No, NERD | Neither Either Really Dead is not available on MXPlayer. It is a Zee5 web series and you can watch it there with a paid subscription.

Is NERD | Neither Either Really Dead available on Amazon Prime Video?

No, NERD | Neither Either Really Dead is not available on Netflix. It is a Zee5 web series and you can watch it there with a paid subscription.

Is NERD | Neither Either Really Dead available on Amazon Prime Video?

No, NERD | Neither Either Really Dead is not available on Amazon Prime Video. It is a Zee5 web series and you can watch it there with a paid subscription.

Where is NERD | Neither Either Really Dead series available?

The series NERD | Neither Either Really Dead began streaming on Jul 8, 2019, with currently Season 1 out right now and premiered online on Zee5.

Who directed NERD | Neither Either Really Dead web series?

NERD | Neither Either Really Dead was directed by .

Is NERD | Neither Either Really Dead based on a book?

No, NERD | Neither Either Really Dead is not based on a book.