Aar Ya Paar
Image Source: Youtube

Aar Ya Paar

Genre ,
Dec 30, 2022
hotstar OTT platform icon

Aar Ya Paar

Out Now

Aar Ya Paar is an Indian language web series produced by and is now streaming on OTT Platform.

It is directed by and is a , show. This show is on now and is to watch.

About Aar Ya Paar

The story follows a skilled tribal archer who is forced to become a lethal assassin in order to protect his tribe from the dangers of the modern world. As he takes on dangerous missions and faces off against formidable foes, he must navigate the complexities of his new role and balance his duty to his tribe with his own personal morals.


Where to watch Aar Ya Paar?

Aar Ya Paar web series is now streaming on . This show is on now and is to watch.

Season One

Release Date
Dec 30, 2022


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where can I watch Aar Ya Paar web series?

All Episodes of Aar Ya Paar are streaming right now on Disney+ Hotstar.

Is Aar Ya Paar web series free to watch?

No, Aar Ya Paar is not free and requires a paid subscription to watch

Will there be a Season 2 of Aar Ya Paar?

There is currently no information on whether the popular Drama web series Aar Ya Paar is set to return on Disney+ Hotstar or with any other platform with its new season. We will update when the streaming platform announces.

On which OTT platform is Aar Ya Paar?

The new season of Aar Ya Paar was released on Disney+ Hotstar on Dec 21, 2022. You can watch it on the official app and website of Disney+ Hotstar by subscribing to the premium plan of Disney+ Hotstar.

Is Aar Ya Paar on Disney+ Hotstar free?

No, Aar Ya Paar is not free and requires a paid subscription to watch on Disney+ Hotstar

Is Aar Ya Paar based on a true story?

No, Aar Ya Paar is a fictional web series and not based on a true story .

Can you watch Aar Ya Paar with family?

Yes, Aar Ya Paar is made keeping the sensitivities of kids & parents in mind and you can enjoy it with your entire family.

How many seasons of Aar Ya Paar are there?

Currently, Aar Ya Paar is on Season 1 right now as of 2024 . The latest season was released on Dec 21, 2022.

Is Aar Ya Paar available on MX Player?

No, Aar Ya Paar is not available on MXPlayer. It is a Disney+ Hotstar web series and you can watch it there with a paid subscription.

Is Aar Ya Paar available on Amazon Prime Video?

No, Aar Ya Paar is not available on Netflix. It is a Disney+ Hotstar web series and you can watch it there with a paid subscription.

Is Aar Ya Paar available on Amazon Prime Video?

No, Aar Ya Paar is not available on Amazon Prime Video. It is a Disney+ Hotstar web series and you can watch it there with a paid subscription.

Where is Aar Ya Paar series available?

The series Aar Ya Paar began streaming on Dec 30, 2022, with currently Season 1 out right now and premiered online on Disney+ Hotstar.

Who directed Aar Ya Paar web series?

Aar Ya Paar was directed by Siddharth Sengupta.

Is Aar Ya Paar based on a book?

No, Aar Ya Paar is not based on a book.