Is there a web series about Matka? And other Series with Lottery related scenes

Matka is an Indian form of gambling involving betting on numbers. This form is mostly determined by chance; “Matka” refers to earthen pots used historically to draw numbers for this form of betting.

Traditional Matka wagers involved betting on numbers between 0 and 9, drawn from an earthen pot called a Matka, where winners were determined based on how much money was betted against each number, with payouts fluctuating depending on odds.

Over time, Matka has advanced and can now be played online. Players place bets on various combinations of numbers, such as single numbers, pairs, or the total sum of them all; results are typically announced at specific times, and winners receive payouts accordingly. So, is there a TV series about Matka? Let’s find out.

Is there a TV series about Matka Lottery?

Yes, there is a TV series about Matka Lottery, and it’s called Matka King. Drawing its inspiration from real events and the life of Ratan Khatri, commonly referred to as ‘Matka King,’ this series takes place between 1960 and 1990 and follows his unwavering ambition to control and manipulate wealth through informal economy activities – offering viewers a glimpse into Mumbai’s working class during those vibrant decades when their lives interweaved with his betting syndicate – offering insight into nation’s development through this betting syndicate led by him (as stated in its official logline).

Other Series with Lottery related scenes

“Lost”: Season 1, Episode 18

In this iconic episode of the hit series “Lost,” the mysterious sequence of numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42) becomes the focal point. Hurley, one of the survivors of the plane crash, discovers that the numbers he used to win a lottery jackpot have cursed his life. This gripping storyline adds an extra layer of intrigue to the already enigmatic island and its characters.

“The Simpsons”: Season 21, Episode 11

“The Simpsons” has tackled numerous topics over the years, and lotteries are no exception. In this episode, Homer wins a million dollars in the lottery but misses his chance to claim the prize due to his laziness. The episode humorously explores the consequences of missed opportunities and the chaotic nature of the Simpson family.

“Breaking Bad”: Season 5, Episode 6

While not centered solely around the lottery, this episode of the critically acclaimed series “Breaking Bad” features an intense scene involving a lottery pool. After their deadly adventures, the characters decide to split their drug money through a lottery system. This moment highlights the tension between trust, loyalty, and greed among the characters and is a turning point in the show’s narrative.

“Friends”: Season 9, Episode 18

In a side-splitting installment of the much-adored sitcom “Friends,” our beloved group of pals decides to embark on a joint lottery ticket purchase. The delightful twist arrives when they learn that their ticket holds the winning numbers, sending them on an exhilarating emotional journey. As they indulge in wild daydreams about how to splurge on their unexpected wealth, the episode masterfully captures the distinctive dynamics and idiosyncrasies of each character. Moreover, it skilfully delves into the timeless quandary of how an abrupt windfall can shape one’s aspirations and choices.

“Desperate Housewives”: Season 1, Episode 16

In an aptly titled episode of the captivating series “Desperate Housewives,” the narrative revolves around a fortuitous lottery victory. Within the tightly knit community of neighbours, a group finds themselves basking in the glory of a substantial jackpot. However, this stroke of luck sets in motion a series of gripping events, unveiling a tapestry of jealousy, concealed truths, and unforeseen repercussions. As the storyline unfolds, it acts as a powerful catalyst for delving into the depths of each character’s psyche, exposing their clandestine desires and underlying motivations. Against the backdrop of Wisteria Lane, this episode illuminates the complex web of human emotions and illuminates the intricacies of human nature.


In conclusion, while there is no TV series specifically about the Indian gambling game Matka, there are several TV series that feature lottery-related scenes or storylines. These shows, such as “Lost,” “The Simpsons,” “Breaking Bad,” “Friends,” and “Desperate Housewives,” explore the impact of lotteries on the lives of characters and delve into themes of luck, greed, and the complexities of human nature. However, it’s important to note that these series are not directly related to the traditional form of Matka gambling.

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